Friday, 24 June 2011

Tennis, gambling and genocide

It's Wimbledon time again, which means for two weeks it's constantly Pimms O'Clock. And if like me you're a degenerate with a mild Dr Pepper addiction, you may want to try your hand at gambling.

Society frowns upon gambling but the truth is it is a viable, and for some the only, career option. If you're strong and resist society's judgemental glare, there is one important thing you should know before you crack open the Stella and slouch at your computer in your underpants; when you lose you must keep betting. This is the only way to win. Nobody likes a loser, do they? So be a winner. Keep betting. If you stop when you lose you'll always be a loser.

By the end of Wimbledon I'll probably be a millionaire. But I'll keep going. Because then I will be a success.

Another thing society frowns upon is genocide. Friend and fellow blogger Good Body recently committed genocide. Genocide might be fun, but there are consequences. For example, despite her name Good Body may well be baron and so genociding all those wasps in her living room may have destroyed her only chance of being a mother. It would also have meant she could be a Queen.

The British Royal Family do something similar to genocide; gene-ocide. This is when you destroy your own genes through incessant inbreeding. 


  1. I doubt they would ever have made me queen. Furthermore, a barran woman is still barran, no matter how many little mates she has, buzzing around. I stand by my decision.

  2. Wasp babies are better than no babies at all.
